Question: To which country did religious extremists in Europe emigrate?
Answer: United States of America
Question: Why did religious extremists leave Europe?
Answer: Because most Europeans wanted them to.
Question: Were Puritans religious extremists?
Answer: Depends on whether you consider genocide extreme.
Question: Did Puritans commit genocide?
Answer: Depends on your perspective. If you are Irish or a Native American your answer might be 'yes.' If you are a Puritan or can't read history your answer is most likely 'no.'
In the United States there appear to be two versions of Christianity operating. One version appears to be untouched by the Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. The other version appears to be an apologist for a soul-less brand of Capitalism.
Both versions appear to be supporters of the Republican Party. From the congressman in Missouri whose remarks on rape belong in the Middle Ages to Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, and Michelle Bachman we have evidence of people untouched by critical thinking or analysis.
It is not surprising that Republicans in Texas want to eliminate the teaching of critical thinking and analysis in public schools. By electing people like George W. Bush and Rick Perry as governor it is evident that they abandoned reason awhile back.
Then there are the soul-less Capitalist apologists that support people like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Romney and Ryan give enough lip service to religion to keep the extremists in their party happy, but what they really worship is a brand of atheistic soul-crushing amoral Social Darwinism promulgated by writers like Ayn Rand, one of Ryan's greatest influences (at least until he decided to seek national prominence).
It didn't used to be like this. Religious wackos used to keep to themselves and only abuse their own people. Capitalists like Teddy Roosevelt were opposed to monopolies and trusts. Heck, Teddy was known as the 'Trust Buster.' Couldn't call Romney that.
Everything changed when religious extremists decided to organize themselves politically. Ironically, to gain political power they allied themselves with the amoral wing of the Republican party. They made a bargain with the devil. They would give the devil control over fiscal policy if they could control social policy - i.e. impose their extremists views on society.
Bit by bit, piece by piece, law by law, policy by policy, America has lost its soul. We are now a country full of hate governed by fear. As a country we are descending into a Dark Age where reason and logic are viewed as alien and intolerance and ignorance are viewed as evidence of religious faith.
It didn't used to be this way. It doesn't have to be this way.
It took awhile, but England recovered from its Puritan tyranny under Oliver Cromwell. Most of those Puritans who fled England after Cromwell died came to the United States. Their descendants, biological and philosophical, appear to be in charge in America today.
Those of us, Republican and Democratic, conservative and liberal, who value critical thinking and analysis, and understand the role reason and logic can play in making a society work for the benefit of everyone and not just a chosen few, we're still the majority. And that matters if we're still a democracy.
Question: Is the United States a democracy?
Answer: TBD
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