Apparently, George Washington slept a lot. When he wasn't running away from the British. New Jersey is full of places where George Washington slept. One of them is outside of Morristown. In a park. Well, it's a park now.
In 1999, when Dad and I visited Morristown to check out Drew Seminary in nearby Madison (yes, Drew University is on Madison Avenue) we went to this park. The locals said on a clear day you could see the tops of the Twin Towers. It was a clear, windy day. We saw the tops of the Twin Towers. It was impressive.
I have enjoyed listening to conservatives twist themselves into pretzels over Obama being president when Osama got whacked. Just a reminder that partisans don't make very good Americans.
I have enjoyed listening to liberals sound like a bunch of jingoistic thugs. Killed the bastard, yeah! Just a reminder that partisans don't make very good Americans.
The Sunday after the Twin Towers went down I was scheduled to preach a sermon as a guest preacher at a small congregation in upstate New York. The minister there, a good friend of mine, thought it best that we cancel our regularly scheduled program and deal with what just happened. He invited me to do the New Testament reading.
I read Matthew 5:43-48. Nobody shook my hand after the service. Nobody even looked at me as they filed out. Just a reminder that when push comes to shove, religious people can abandon core principles in a heartbeat.
I don't think there's any truth to the rumor that it was Dick Cheney that shot Bin Laden in the face. That's not fair. It's well known that Dick Cheney only shoots FRIENDS in the face.
There may be some truth to the rumor that former Navy SEAL Jesse Ventura shot Bin Laden in the face. I met Jesse Ventura at a book signing last month. He still looks like he could kill people. With his bare hands.
Secular rulers and religious extremists are often allies. The Saudi Royal family probably funded Osama Bin Laden. The Saudi Royal family probably ordered the attacks of 9/11. Most of the those alleged to have hijacked the planes on 9/11 were Saudis.
Since the oil crisis in the 1970s, our government has taken orders from the Saudis.When our leaders meet their leaders, it is apparent who is giving orders and who is taking orders.
The Israeli intelligence service knew about the 9/11 attacks beforehand. They were there to film it as it happened. This was widely published in Israeli newspapers. Not so much in American newspapers.
Offered as evidence that the American government takes orders from the Saudis, the Bin Laden family was picked up in various locations throughout the country and flown to safety while air traffic was shut down across the country.
I don't think President Bush knew about the attacks beforehand.
I remember in 2001 Jesse Ventura saying we needed to send a SEAL or Ranger team in and whack Osama.
I remember a seminary professor telling me on 9/12 that he was worried the Bush administration would take advantage of the situation and do away with a lot of our civil rights and civil liberties.
It makes sense that the U.S. invaded Iraq because the Saudis wanted Hussein out of the way. The reasons the U.S. government gave the American people never made any sense.
The American people have acted like brain-dead zombies the past 10 years. Maybe now with Osama Bin Laden out of the way, we can regain our composure and realize how badly our government has screwed us over the last 10 years.
Speaking of zombies, 'Zombieland' is a really good movie. Any movie where one of the heroes gets a Twinkie at the end rocks. Bill Murray is awesome in his cameo as well.
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