Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Extra! Read All About It! Tax Cuts For the Rich! Jobless Benefits for Everyone Else!

Was there ever any doubt that the wealthiest Americans would get their tax cuts extended? Did anybody really believe Obama and the Democrats when they demagogued about making the wealthiest pay their fair share?
Obama is an Ivy League lawyer. Did you really expect him to give rat's patootie about the working class?
Extending jobless benefits is the trade off in a compromise to give the wealthiest people in this country what they were going to get anyway.
Are you kidding me? Jobless benefits is the best you can do?
If the best the Democratic Party can do for the working class is extend jobless benefits, they need to go to timeout and not come back until they develop vertebrae.
We expect the Republican Party to favor the rich, they always have. The 'Compassionate Conservatism' Republicans trotted out a few years ago was ... well what was it ... I can't remember? Got lost somewhere in that latest surge of layoffs and disappearing retirement accounts.
The richest people in this country have been telling us since 1980 that the American economy is dependent upon their tax cuts. How's that working out? Trickle-down economics it has been called. How's the trickle? I guess the trickle is not having a job but getting paid about half of a what a lousy job is worth.
The American working class good - good, decent people who work hard all day every day - have found it harder and harder to provide adequate shelter, insurance, and education for their families.
Would an American family rather earn $60,000 and pay $15,000 in taxes or earn $25,000 and pay no taxes?
Lost in this heated debate over extending tax cuts is the sobering reality that nobody in our government is interested in fiscal responsibility. Extensive tax cuts HAVE NOT helped the American economy. It has helped the richest Americans. And helping the richest Americans is all our government cares about.
We are broke as a nation because we are fighting two wars. The last country I know of to fight two wars at the same time was Germany. How did that work out for them?
Tax cuts in the middle of wartime? Where is the money coming from to pay for fighting these wars?
There are so many things broken in the American economy it may not be capable of being fixed. Our national security depends upon being fiscally solvent. When foreign countries own our debt, they own us. The Saudis and the Chinese own our country, they own our future.

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