The latest security procedures introduced by the current administration have made it official what many people have been saying for years. Our government leaders are morons. The inbred elites that have been running this country (into the ground) for the last thirty years now want someone to feel up your privates before you can get on a plane.
Taking your shoes off and confiscating your shampoo wasn't enough. No, our government wants, desperately it seems by the way administration officials are defending the policy, to play with your privates.
It has been a steady progression since 9/11. Every government response to the World Trade Center tragedy has been inept, inefficient and unnecessary. Now we can add perverse to the list.
When will somebody have the courage to say that creating the bureaucratic behemoth of Homeland Security and fighting two wars have bankrupted this country? Can anybody in this country do math anymore? More than half of the federal budget is spent fighting two unnecessary wars and paying off the massive deficit.
"We've got to do something to fight the terrorists, David. They want to take away our freedoms!"
No, WE want to take away our own freedoms. And it appears, act like a bunch of perverted morons while we're doing it.
"We've got to fight the terrorists, David!"
I grew up during the Viet Nam war. Here's what I heard:
"We've got to fight the Communists, David. They want to take away our freedoms!"
"If South Viet Nam falls, the Communists will take over all of Southeast Asia."
We now know that pretty much everything our government told us about the Viet Nam war was a lie. What on God's Green Earth makes us think it is different today?
We're pretty sure the reasons for going to war with Iraq were lies. We may eventually find out that Bin Laden died in 2002.
As for fighting the terrorists, if they were Saudis, hold the Saudis accountable. Did we? No, we held their hands.
There are effective, efficient ways to fight terrorists. We could learn from a country that has faced terrorist attacks from its inception, Israel. The Israelis do not treat their citizens as terrorists. They understand something the morons in our government have yet to grasp.
Selma from New York flying to see her grandchildren is not a terrorist. Bob from Michigan flying to California to attend his father's funeral is not a terrorist. Mindy from Utah flying home from school is not a terrorist.
Our citizens are not terrorists. The Israelis know this. Terrorists are people from other countries. While security at our airports is busy feeling up your grandmother or granddaughter, the Israelis take those from other countries aside and subject them to rigorous questioning.
You know what? It works.
Sooner or later, if we the people don't insist on stopping these policies, somebody may conclude that we the people have the government we deserve.
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