Sarah Palin did not know what the Bush Doctrine was when she ran for the second highest office in the land. Herman Cain, running for the highest office in the land, does not know that China has had a nuclear arsenal for 45 years.
My great grandfather was a Republican state senator. My grandfather was a Republican county officeholder. My father is a Republican civil engineer. They would be, and are, horrified and disgusted by the Republican Party today.
Being stupid and ignorant is one thing, being proud of being stupid and ignorant is another. Exalting stupidity and ignorance while denigrating intellect and reason is downright moronic. But that describes the Republican Party today, a party whose base seems to be the most moronic people in the country.
These Morons, about 20 to 25 percent of the population, used to vote Democratic. They were opposed to equal rights for women. They were opposed to equal rights for people of color (is that what you're supposed to say today? It changes every five minutes). They were opposed to desegregation. They were opposed to equal rights for immigrants (especially the Irish).
Beginning with Richard Nixon, a lot of things began with Richard Nixon, the Republican Party started courting the Morons. They took over the country in 1980 with one of their own, Ronald Reagan. Reagan's IQ didn't register when he was living but goes up every year now that he's dead.
Fast forward to 2000, when a former alcoholic and cocaine addicted bike riding Ivy League cheerleader, nicknamed 'Dubya' especially for the Morons, became president. Americans like genial idiots. It's the Forrest Gump thing.
When I worked in the newspaper business most people assumed I was a Democrat because they were. When I accepted a job working for Republican Agricultural Commissioner Cleve Benedict, many of my colleagues jokingly called me a traitor. They didn't know my background.
I'm proud of being a Republican. America is a republic, not a democracy. It matters to get that right. I liked and admired William Buckley. He was not a Moron. In 1974, I defended Richard Nixon. I knew then, and it has since been demonstrated, that Watergate was a CIA setup. Richard Nixon was many things, but he was not a Moron. He was a Quaker.
My speculation is that in the 1960s, after getting rid of JFK, the GOP leadership decided to go for the Moron Vote. They have been successful. The Democrats, with most minorities continuing to vote for them, have remained competitive. Have I pointed out that most of the Moron Vote is white?
The Republican Party used to be the country club elites, dispensing wisdom to the unwashed masses. This wisdom was usually ignored. Today, these elites have conspired with the Morons to destroy the middle class in America. The middle class will never recover.
I can't figure out why the country club elites decided to turn on the middle class. It is obvious they have done so. In response to the Occupy Wall Street movement, I have to say income disparity in this country is a failure of our republic (reread the preamble to the constitution, please).
I don't blame the Morons. I blame those who have manipulated them. I blame those who keep putting forward the Sarah Palins and Herman Cains as their mouthpieces. They have ruined this once great country.